
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Progress How Novel 77


 As I've said many times my muse is fickle. She is still not wanting to work on Ghostwolf so I've set it aside for now. I'm working on the WIPs that are on Vella.  Which include Book 2 of Bone Whisperer, a Time-Lost series book, and 2 Urban Fantasy. 

I had planned to put my T.L. books on Vella as you can publish the Vella as a book once it is finished on KDP.  However the Zon changed some of the rules for Vella in mid March. So I'm going to wait and see what happens in the next two months. I may have to make changes of my own.

Even after 9 months I'm still getting the hang of vella. But it seems like doing an ongoing one will net me more locked reads and better bonuses. So I have 3 stories that I'm going to make ongoing, only available on Vella.  They really don't tell you the criteria for the bonus so I don't know what they look for to increase the bonus. 

I've been looking for more in-person events near me but when you're in nowhere Missouri and most of the events are on the East & West coasts...Well it makes the travel prohibitive. However I have found one near me that happens twice a year. I'm going to try it out this year. If it's good I will be doing it every year. More on this some other time. 

 I'm still doing a contest for Book 5 of Elemental Voice Spirit Talker. I am looking for names of certain characters. The book is in the 'planning' stage, meaning I'm writing the book bible right now and thus doing character names and place names for the book. I need names for the Orro Clan matriarch, her PA, her security chief, and the secondary villain as well as a morally grey assassin. Most are vampires except for the secondary villain. 

Should your name(s) be picked, the name of course will be used and you will be mentioned in the author notes. You may also win a signed book or a signed bookplate. 
I reserve the right to pick more than one group of names or single name so you all have a chance to win.
Comment name(s) on this blog.  I have a tentative date to start. But then all that depends on my muse. So put your email and the name(s) in a comment.

My T.L stories (Ghostwolf, Fallborn, and Time-Lost) are on Ingram Spark..  My Tina books will stay on Amazon and in KU but I don't want to keep all my eggs in one basket incase AMZ terminates my account because of piracy. AMZ KDP accounts have been terminated because the book (s) were found on a pirate site. If that happens I don't want all my eggs to be broken. Those Three series will stay on Ingram but I don't know about the rest of my T.L. Books that I'm writing on Vella.  They may stay in KDP for awhile.   

 I 'd like to try to finish the Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice series. I need to finish a series and promote the he!! out of it. I have over 14 books out yet not one series completed. So I'm going to try to focus on Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice as they are almost finished. I have 1 additional book in EV and 2 books in Ghostwolf that need to be finished to be complete. A complete series under each of my author names. I'll be working on them while I do Vella.  Then I have 2 books that have been in the queue for awhile that I want to get out. Probably on Vella to begin with.

However my muse is fickle as I said and I don't know what she will do. Plans mean nothing to her.

In Elemental Voice, the FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the local sheriff's office at the beginning in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door. In later books she works with her vampire FBI agent fiance and his partner. If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

In Ghostwolf  the MMC sees the evil humans do to one another every day as a Homicide detective and hates the necessity of his job. But this murder—it raises his hackles. What he uncovers is far more than a pathological motive, it's like something out of a horror movie or a Grimm's fairy tale. Everything points to a supernatural being, a werewolf, as the killer, causing him to doubt himself—and his mysterious new partner. If you're interested in checking out this series  here's the first book Raven Manor

Have you checked out my website yet?  Here is the link: The Rook  Check it out and tour a world where psychics work regularly with the police and vampires live next door, a world where werewolves hide among us and can manipulate energy(magic), two worlds with dragons, and a world where a Time-Lost tries to stop the past from repeating itself.

I will still update these blogs periodically. When new books come out definitely. These are still my babies and I won't desert them. But they'll definitely get dusty. And maybe repetitive. 

Want to join my email list and get a free short Urban fantasy story that's a twist on Red Riding Hood? Click here T. L.'s Grimoire

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Progress How Novel 76


March did not go out like a lion. But it did go by fast.

As I said this year I'm going to be concentrating on Kindle Vella. 

That doesn't mean I won't be writing on my WIPs though. Since I'm doing Vella, I don't know how much I'll get done in my writing queue. I have soo many stories in my head.  But  next two books up: Book 3 of Ghostwolf and Book 5 of  EV.  But as I've said many times my muse is fickle. She is still not wanting to work on Ghostwolf.  She did however start book 2 of Bone Whisperer and it's up on Vella. At least the first few chapters are.

I plan to put my T.L. books on Vella as you can publish the Vella as a book once it is finished on KDP.  I think this is the best way to get at least my T.L. books out. My Tina Books I'll still be writing as well just slower I think since I won't be doing them on Vella. I have way more T.L. Books in my queue than Tina Books.

Bone Whisperer is pubbed and out. So now you can get it on  Kindle Vella,  vella Bone , or Kindle Unlimited.  Or here for $2.99 , A Playground of Bones ,

I'm still getting the hang of vella. But it seems like doing an ongoing one will net me more locked reads and better bonuses. So I'm going to try it. I have 3 stories that I'm going to make ongoing, only available on Vella.  They really don't tell you the criteria for the bonus so I don't know what they look for to increase the bonus. But my bonus was more for February than January. I think that had to do with me finishing Bone because I had less reads than in January. 

  The Zon also changed some of the rules for Vella in mid March. So I'm going to wait and see what happens in the next two months. I may have to make changes of my own.

 I'm still doing a contest for Book 5 of Elemental Voice Spirit Talker. I am looking for names of certain characters. The book is in the 'planning' stage, meaning I'm writing the book bible right now and thus doing character names and place names for the book. I need names for the Orro Clan matriarch, her PA, her security chief, and the secondary villain as well as a morally grey assassin. Most are vampires except for the secondary villain. 

Should your name(s) be picked, the name of course will be used and you will be mentioned in the author notes. You may also win a signed book or a signed bookplate. 
I reserve the right to pick more than one group of names or single name so you all have a chance to win.
Comment name(s) on one of my FB posts about this. I plan to start writing the book in June for a tentative pub date of January or February 2025. But then all that depends on my muse. So put your email and the name(s) in a comment.

My T.L stories (Ghostwolf, Fallborn, and Time-Lost) are on Ingram Spark..  My Tina books will stay on Amazon and in KU but I don't want to keep all my eggs in one basket incase AMZ terminates my account because of piracy. AMZ KDP accounts have been terminated because the book (s) were found on a pirate site. If that happens I don't want all my eggs to be broken. Those Three series will stay on Ingram but I don't know about the rest of my T.L. Books that I'm writing on Vella.  They may stay in KDP for awhile.   

 I 'd like to try to finish the Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice series. I need to finish a series and promote the he!! out of it. I have over 14 books out yet not one series completed. So I'm going to try to focus on Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice as they are almost finished. I have 1 additional book in EV and 2 books in Ghostwolf that need to be finished to be complete. A complete series under each of my author names. I'll be working on them while I do Vella.  Then I have 2 books that have been in the queue for awhile that I want to get out. Probably on Vella to begin with.

However my muse is fickle as I said and I don't know what she will do. Plans mean nothing to her.

In Elemental Voice, the FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the local sheriff's office at the beginning in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door. In later books she works with her vampire FBI agent fiance and his partner. If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

In Ghostwolf  the MMC sees the evil humans do to one another every day as a Homicide detective and hates the necessity of his job. But this murder—it raises his hackles. What he uncovers is far more than a pathological motive, it's like something out of a horror movie or a Grimm's fairy tale. Everything points to a supernatural being, a werewolf, as the killer, causing him to doubt himself—and his mysterious new partner. If you're interested in checking out this series  here's the first book Raven Manor

Have you checked out my website yet?  Here is the link: The Rook  Check it out and tour a world where psychics work regularly with the police and vampires live next door, a world where werewolves hide among us and can manipulate energy(magic), two worlds with dragons, and a world where a Time-Lost tries to stop the past from repeating itself.

I will still update these blogs periodically. When new books come out definitely. These are still my babies and I won't desert them. But they'll definitely get dusty. And maybe repetitive. 

Want to join my email list and get a free short Urban fantasy story that's a twist on Red Riding Hood? Click here T. L.'s Grimoire

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Progress How Novel 75


February flew by. March is coming in mild, almost spring like. Which means may be when it ends it will go out like a lion, windy and cold. Isn't that the old saying?

Whatever the saying we've been doing outside yard work, cleaning up years of mess that we allowed to accumulate. Some will go on our yard sale and some to the recycle center but we're not in a rush as it's not Spring yet and it's not going anywhere on it's own. It's been there for years, what's a few more weeks?

As to my writing this year I'm going to be concentrating on Kindle Vella. 

That doesn't mean I won't be writing on my WIPs though. Since I'm doing Vella, I don't know how much I'll get done in my writing queue. I have soo many stories in my head.  But  next two books up: Book 3 of Ghostwolf and Book 5 of  EV.  But as I've said many times my muse is fickle. She is still not wanting to work on Ghostwolf.  She did however start book 2 of Bone Whisperer and it's up on Vella. At least the first few chapters are.

I plan to put my T.L. books on Vella as you can publish the Vella as a book once it is finished on KDP.  I think this is the best way to get at least my T.L. books out. My Tina Books I'll still be writing as well just slower I think since I won't be doing them on Vella. I have way more T.L. Books in my queue than Tina Books.

Bone Whisperer, A Playground of Bones is coming out this month. I'm waiting on the print proof. Once I look it over it will be published. Update: It's pubbed!  A Playground of Bones

I'm still getting the hang of vella. But it seems like doing an ongoing one will net me more locked reads. So I'm going to try it. I'm participating in some of the vella groups and getting some reads. There are bonuses to be had as well in Vella. They really don't tell you the criteria for the bonus so I don't know what they look for to increase the bonus. But my bonus was more for January than December so it does indeed have something to do with reads and updating but there seems to be something else in play.. We shall see about February as I've had less reads than January.   

If you want a sneak peak  of  Playground : vella Bone Or you can now get the ebook for $2.99. It's a good paranormal murder mystery or paranormal women's fiction. 

 I'm still doing a contest for Book 5 of Elemental Voice Spirit Talker. I am looking for names of certain characters. The book is in the 'planning' stage, meaning I'm writing the book bible right now and thus doing character names and place names for the book. I need names for the Orro Clan matriarch, her PA, her security chief, and the secondary villain as well as a morally grey assassin. Most are vampires except for the secondary villain. 

Should your name(s) be picked, the name of course will be used and you will be mentioned in the author notes. You may also win a signed book or a signed bookplate. 
I reserve the right to pick more than one group of names or single name so you all have a chance to win.
Comment name(s) on one of my FB posts about this. The contest is open until February 2024. I plan to start writing the book in April for a pub date of December 2024 or January 2025. So put your email and the name(s) in a comment.

My T.L stories (Ghostwolf, Fallborn, and Time-Lost) are on Ingram Spark..  My Tina books will stay on Amazon and in KU but I don't want to keep all my eggs in one basket incase AMZ terminates my account because of piracy. AMZ KDP accounts have been terminated because the book (s) were found on a pirate site. If that happens I don't want all my eggs to be broken. Those Three series will stay on Ingram but I don't know about the rest of my T.L. Books that I'm writing on Vella.  They may stay in KDP for awhile.   

 I 'd like to try to finish the Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice series. I need to finish a series and promote the he!! out of it. I have over 14 books out yet not one series completed. So I'm going to try to focus on Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice as they are almost finished. I have 1 additional book in EV and 2 books in Ghostwolf that need to be finished to be complete. A complete series under each of my author names. I'll be working on them while I do Vella.  Then I have 2 books that have been in the queue for awhile that I want to get out. Probably on Vella to begin with.

However my muse is fickle as I said and I don't know what she will do. Plans mean nothing to her.

In Elemental Voice, the FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the local sheriff's office at the beginning in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door. In later books she works with her vampire FBI agent fiance and his partner. If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

In Ghostwolf  the MMC sees the evil humans do to one another every day as a Homicide detective and hates the necessity of his job. But this murder—it raises his hackles. What he uncovers is far more than a pathological motive, it's like something out of a horror movie or a Grimm's fairy tale. Everything points to a supernatural being, a werewolf, as the killer, causing him to doubt himself—and his mysterious new partner. If you're interested in checking out this series  here's the first book Raven Manor

Have you checked out my website yet?  Here is the link: The Rook  Check it out and tour a world where psychics work regularly with the police and vampires live next door, a world where werewolves hide among us and can manipulate energy(magic), two worlds with dragons, and a world where a Time-Lost tries to stop the past from repeating itself.

I will still update these blogs periodically. When new books come out definitely. These are still my babies and I won't desert them. But they'll definitely get dusty. And maybe repetitive. 

Want to join my email list and get a free short Urban fantasy story that's a twist on Red Riding Hood? Click here T. L.'s Grimoire