
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Still alive

Long time, no hear.

Well I'm still alive but still computerless. So my stories are kinda stalled. I'm still writing down story ideas and scenes but not putting them together.

I'm reading more. I found a new author Kelly Ann Riley. She has a series called. Secrets of Mary's bookshop. I've just started the series but I like it so far. I also read a big book about Oak island. I try to keep up with the treasure hunt there. I have also read a fictional book that has Oak island in it called The Bones in the Pit by Bill Thompson. So I've been keeping myself busy.

I made a resolution that I would have my computer back and a story finished by the end of the year but I might have to push that back to April of next year. I have too many bills and not enough money to go around. Being on a fixed income with only a little coming in from my new job sucks. I'm an on call driver so my hours very.  Some days I don't even get called in.  But at least my work is close by and I get to drive their vehicles for the job.

This would be the perfect job if I was still writing. But writing by hand is just not the same. I have been spoiled by the computer.

Just wanted to let you know that I am still alive. I plan to get back to writing as soon as possible.

Good reading and writing to all of you