
Monday, January 31, 2022

Progress How Novel 70

 Still working on Book 2 (The Riven) and the Urban Fantasy short (The Elemental Detective). Hopping between the two. Not writing a lot at one setting but the stories are moving along. With the extended deadline I don't have to stress if  I don't write more than a few words. They will be done before the deadline and I'll be deep into Book 3 by then.

Decided to publish the UF short under Tina instead of T.L. as it's another version of the Elemental bit. 

I also changed up my one blog to be for the Elemental books. I got blogs for my T.L. books so I can dedicate a blog to the Elemental books. 

I read this when I feel discouraged.  All writers want this, well I shouldn't generalize, but a lot of writers do. We want someone to love the worlds we create. Someone to share it with.

In 4 months (or maybe 5 😏 ) you'll get to read about Hanlan's next venture in the Del Mulanti Ruv's world. Been a bit of a delay. However if you haven't already,  you can catch up with Raven Manor.

Speaking of Ghostwolf books, what do you think of Zoey as a name for a five to seven year old female Ruv(werewolf) orphan? Kind of in honor of another brave little girl, though in a vampire movie.   Book 3 is going to go more into the Ruv's history and make some of them look more into themselves.

Want to join my email list? Click here Grimoire

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Progress How Novel 69

 Thinking about changing the covers on my old Elemental Voice books. While I love my old covers they're not to market. Though the new ones aren't as much either since they're not sexualized, i.e. no nakkid people or chests.  They're more toward murder mystery covers than Urban Fantasy but then the stories do have murders and FBI agents. 

I may change the sales page as well. At least for the first one. 

Still working on Book 2 (The Riven) and the Urban Fantasy short (The Elemental Detective).  Deadline has been extended as my publisher is booked up until May. Should have them both done and started on Book 3 by then.

Registered for Between The Pages Con in June. Have reserved a hotel room for that weekend. Need to stock up on books for the table.  Their FB page is here.

The Con is one of three in-person events I plan on doing this year.

In 4 months (or maybe 5 😏 ) you'll get to read about Hanlan's next venture in the Del Mulanti Ruv's world. Been a bit of a delay. However if you haven't already,  you can catch up with Raven Manor.

Speaking of Ghostwolf books, I'm still looking for a name for a five to seven year old female Ruv(werewolf) child. You will be mentioned in the author's note at the back of the book if I choose your offering.  

Want to join my email list? Click here Grimoire

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Progress How Novel 68

 Still working on Book 2 of Ghostwolf  and the one Urban Fantasy short. 

Also working on a blurb for the UF short as well  as a hook. The UF short may be done long before Book 2. Book 2 is moving along slowly and I may have done a info dump. The info is needed to understand stuff happening but may be too much. Don't know. I'll find out when it gets read. If the reader/beta says something I'll know and rework. 

The UF short may be the one published in February for my birthday present.  Or maybe not. My publisher is booked up until May/June I just heard (1/24/22). So...

Here's what I got so far on the UF short blurb:

Calli Finn is an Elemental. A fact that would get her killed if known. In a world full of werewolves, vampires, and immortals anything smacking of  'witchcraft' still genders fear. Surrounded by these Others in her job as a detective in the SCD, which handles crimes committed by or on them , she walks a fine line.

In 4 months (or maybe 5 😏 ) you'll get to read about Hanlan's next venture in the Del Mulanti Ruv's world. Been a bit of a delay. However if you haven't already,  you can catch up with Raven Manor.

Speaking of Ghostwolf books, I'm still looking for a name for a five to seven year old female Ruv(werewolf) child. You will be mentioned in the author's note at the back of the book if I choose your offering.  

Want to join my email list? Click here Grimoire

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Progress How Novel 67

 Been working on Book 2 and the one Urban Fantasy short. 

The short is almost done. Just a bit more and it will be finished. Then I'll spell check and add a bit of back matter before sending it off to Sharon for proofreading. Still got to do the blurb, but I have the cover done.

Added another 1,565 words this last week to Book 2. I need to get on the ball and get it finished if I want it published by February.  Still haven't got a hook yet. The blurb and cover are ready and some back matter. 

Meet the MCs of the Ghostwolf Series. MCs

In a month (or maybe two 😏 ) you'll get to read about Hanlan's next venture in the Del Mulanti Ruv's world. If you haven't already,  you can catch up with Raven Manor.

Speaking of Ghostwolf books, I'm looking for a name for a five year to seven old female Ruv(werewolf) child. You will be mentioned in the author's note at the back of the book if I choose your offering.  

Want to join my email list? Click here Grimoire

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Progress How Novel 66


As I've said I looked at the books in my writing queue. I had planned to write all the book 2s, then move on to all the book 3s. However, I had a talk with my writing coach and we decided I should concentrate on one series at a time.

Ghostwolf won the luck of the draw. 

So Book 2 (The Riven), Book 3 (Remnant) , and Book 4 (Revenant) are first in the queue. I'm already working on Book 2 which makes the drawing of Ghostwolf fortuitous.

I have tentative covers for these three and a blurb for Book 2. I need to do hooks for Book 2 to capture readers' attention. So still got that to do yet. 

And Book 4 of my Elemental Voice series is still on my mind as well. I want to finish that series even though it's in the Hiatus pile. I might slip that in as my writer's block book after I finish Book 2 of Ghostwolf.

Also still working on the two shorts. I want to get them done this year as well so they get out of my mind.  They're my writer's block books right now while I write Book 2. 

Sooo much on my mind and plate right now. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Progress How Novel 65

 Still flirting between Book 2, the two shorts, and the next Fallborn book. 

Added another entry to my TBR list review blog. As I've said if I'm not writing, I'm reading. Check it out here Novel Reads

I looked over my queue. I have a lot of books in it. Two more books in the Ghostwolf series, three more Time-Lost books, three more Fallborn, two Alliance books, and the two Song Saga stories. That's not counting the shorts that pop up regularly. Plus the three from my old Elemental Voice series at the end of the others. 'To be Decided' is under the EV.  

I have several serial book ideas beside the above. However I think those are quite enough for right now.

I write a little every day. I wish I could just put out thousands of words a day, but that's not how it happens. And that's okay. I do get frustrated sometimes, don't we all, and that's okay too. We each write differently. We are not in a contest and we should not judge ourselves by others. Writing is a personal thing, your reason for writing is not the same as another's.  Though we'd like some of the same things :)

It may take me a while but I plan to finish the books I have in my queue before diving into the many other stories I have.  Please be patient. It's a virtue, you know.