
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Progress How Novel 83

 I'm still working on The Elemental Detective novella.  My muse is still being cagey about the whole thing and the characters are only telling me a little at a time. Something is percolating in the back of my mind. I can feel it. But nothing is coming forward but little splurts at a time.

And I still don't have the blurb done for it. The cover's been done forever, but I just can't seem to do the blurb. 

The Book Goddess hasn't gotten back to me yet. So Book 2 of Ghostwolf is still being edited/proofread.

However if you haven't already,  you can meet the MCs and read the first venture into their world with Raven Manor.

Book 2 tells a bit of their history and why they became the Ruv. This series could also be termed alternate universe or multiverse, I suppose, with the history I have given and will give in these books. But this is what the characters are telling me. And what do we know of the real creation of this planet, much less the universe?

Next book up is Book 4 in my older Elemental Voice Series, an Urban Fantasy series. The FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the police in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door.  If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

My writer's block book will be Book 3 of Ghostwolf. I have the book bible started as well as the first bit of the story. Book 3(Remnant) is going to go more into the Ruv's history and make some of them look more into themselves. 

Want to join my email list and get a free short fantasy story? Click here Grimoire


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Progress How Novel 82

 I've fixed the links on this post at least. Sorry about that.  

I have changed up this blog a bit. It's my main blog so I decided to have it reflect that more. The Pages section will still have mostly Ghostwolf extras and the other blogs will still be up. I just won't update them until I'm working on their series' books. So right now this blog and the elemental blog are being regularly updated.

TaLeRy is my fanfic pen name from long ago. Some of that fanfic is probably still floating around though I removed some of it. I wrote original stories too, but never put them up. A few of them are merged with some of my stories I'm writing now. 

The exact date for Book 2 of Ghostwolf to be published is up to the book gods--or goddess in this case--now. It's being edited/proofread and scheduled to be out by the second week of May.

However if you haven't already,  you can meet the MCs and read the first venture into their world with Raven Manor.

Next book up is Book 4 in my older Elemental Voice Series, an Urban Fantasy series. The FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the police in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door.  If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

My writer's block book will be Book 3 of Ghostwolf. I have the book bible started as well as the first bit of the story. Book 3(Remnant) is going to go more into the Ruv's history and make some of them look more into themselves.

I'm still working on The Elemental Detective novella. I thought I'd be done by now with it but the character is still telling me things. Seems to be setting up another story or maybe a whole series. I don't know yet. My muse is being cagey. 

Want to join my email list and get a free short fantasy story? Click here Grimoire


Friday, April 8, 2022

Progress How Novel 81

I've fixed the links on this post at least. Sorry about that.  

The time table for Book 2 to be published is up to the book gods--or goddess in this case--now.

However if you haven't already,  you can meet the MCs and read the first venture into their world with Raven Manor.

Next book up is Book 4 in my older Elemental Voice Series, an Urban Fantasy series. The FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the police in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door.  If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

My writer's block book will be Book 3 of Ghostwolf (Remnant). Part of the book was inspired by this picture. Bit of a teaser.

I'm still working on The Elemental Detective novella. It's in first person which is a first for me in writing more than a short story in that POV. But that's the way the character is telling me the story.

Want to join my email list and get a free short fantasy story? Click here Grimoire


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Progress How Novel 80

 Book 2 is finished!

The Ghostwolf Series has an overall arc and the arc in each book moves it closer to the reveal at the end.  Book 1 is the prequel, the intro, and this book starts the main arc fully. 

As soon as it is edited/proofread it will be published and you'll get to read the next venture into the Del Mulanti Ruv's world.  The time table is up to the book gods--or goddess in this case--now.

However if you haven't already,  you can meet the MCs and read the first venture into their world with Raven Manor.

Next book up is Book 4 in my older Elemental Voice Series, an Urban Fantasy series. I intro it as--Enter a world where psychics consult regularly with the police and vampires live next door. If you're interested in checking out my older Elemental UF Books.

Want to join my email list and get a free short fantasy story? Click here Grimoire