
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Progress How Novel 96

I published my first book seven years ago at the age of 46. I have fifteen stories out now which averages out about 2 a year, though in reality some years I only got one out. I had thought to get my Elemental Voice series done and out by the time I was 50. Didn't make that. Lots of things contributed to that. Things that I'm not going to get into. But I'm on my way to finishing that series. I promised I would and I'm going to do it though it's not on my top things to do anymore.  

After I finish my current WIPs, I'm going to concentrate on the Ghostwolf series. I need to finish a series and promote the he!! out of it. I have 14 books out yet not one series completed. I'm going to focus on Ghostwolf and Elemental Voice as they are almost finished. I have 2 books in both series that need to be finished to be complete. Ghostwolf is my top priority but I want EV to be finished too. It was my first and I have sentimentality towards it.

In Elemental Voice, the FMC reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds buried items--mostly dead bodies--for the local sheriff's office at the beginning in a world where psychics work regularly with law enforcement and vampires live next door. In later books she works with her vampire FBI agent fiance and his partner. If you're interested in checking out these older Elemental UF Books.

In Ghostwolf  the MMC sees the evil humans do to one another every day as a Homicide detective and hates the necessity of his job. But this murder—it raises his hackles. What he uncovers is far more than a pathological motive, it's like something out of a horror movie or a Grimm's fairy tale. Everything points to a supernatural being, a werewolf, as the killer, causing him to doubt himself—and his mysterious new partner. If you're interested in checking out this series  here's the first book Raven Manor

So I'm still writing on Book 4 of Elemental Voice and Book 1 of The Bone Whisperer right now with a bit of Book 3 of Ghostwolf thrown in here and there. And yes the series name has changed for the new series. I did a search on Amazon and was bombarded by books with Bone Witch either as the title or as the series name. Also witch didn't really fit what she does. Nor does psychic really. My writing coach asked if Bone Whisperer might match better. 

However as I've said before my muse is fickle.  Who knows what she will do. But after EV and Ghostwolf I'm going to take stock. I want to finish the books I started under Tina so I can concentrate more on the new ideas that keep coming up.

My website is up and live.  Here is the link: The Rook  Check it out and tour a world where psychics work regularly with the police and vampires live next door, a world where werewolves hide among us and can manipulate energy(magic), two worlds with dragons, and a world where a Time-Lost tries to stop the past from repeating itself.

I will still update these blogs periodically. When new books come out definitely. These are still my babies and I won't desert them. But they'll definitely get dusty. And maybe repetitive. 

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