
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Plans for future

Thursday is my birthday. I'm going to be the big 5-0.

I had promised myself that I would have the Elemental Voice series completed by now and would be starting on Mortal Voice and the first sci-fi novel. The first book in the Mortal Voice series is done but Elemental Voice is not. I hadn't expected my computer to explode on me or the run of financial bad luck.

I'm setting the goal that this year I will finish the first sci-fi novel and at least get it proofread. Secondly I want to finish one of the Voice books as well. I also plan to even up my account with my publisher Sharon.

It will probably take the whole year for those 3 things.

I want to have the Time-lost novels out by the time I'm 60. Also I want to have started on the Alliance books. The Time-lost have six books while I have three book ideas for the Alliance. So one each year. That should be doable.

The Voice books will be done as I can.

 I'm going to be very short of money for the foreseeable future. I don't have a car or job right now. I'm looking for a job right now but it will be hard to find one for someone my age that will fit me.  
I need to have a bestseller.

Don't we all :)