
Monday, January 12, 2015

the new year

Jano has started.

 In case you haven't read my blog last year when it started, it is January Novel writing month where you have 31 days to write a 50,000 word or more novel.  When it's over we have a party and give out rewards for things like best first paragraph and best name.

It's eleven days in and I only have under 2000 words.

I got a reply back from the editor I sent my first book to. My first Rejection. Yeah!

At least I got good constructive criticism. After Jano I'll look into redoing Earth. But I might just edit it a little and self-publish. As I said I'll think on that after Jano.

I plan to finish the second book this year, maybe even during Jano if I get my self in gear.

Wish me luck.

Good writing to my fellow Jano writers!