
Thursday, March 23, 2017


I'm messing around with one of my Scifi books.

It's called Sentry right now. The main man is a Warden--A being with all 5 senses enhanced in his human form. Wardens' animal forms are big cats that look like panthers. The main woman is a human engineer from Terra/Earth. She is his guide/mate.

Sentry starts with her and two human guides/empaths crash landing on his planet. We find out that the human sphere is at war with the Arcadi, an alien race that no human has ever seen. Their ships show up, a weird voice announces the death sentence and the planet's populace is destroyed.

The Slei, a reptilian race, has been helping the humans.

Humans have Watchmen who have 2 or more senses enhanced but need an empath/guide to stabilize their minds or they go catatonic or insane. Watchmen and empaths are the elite of the human fighting force but little use against the Arcadi who strike fast and furious from space.

I'm still working on the first chapt. and I'm making a bible.

I decided to take a bit of a break from Elemental Voice. At least enough of one to set up this story. I have several story ideas set up in my computer. I don't know which I'll do after Voice.

I'm also piddling with one of my dragon stories. I had a dream about it the other night so I piddled. I'm not crazy about the opening paragraph, well, the first chapt really, but I think I'll finish it first before tackling a rewrite of that first bit.

It might turn out to be a novelette.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Water is off to Sharon, the publisher.

Next is editing/proof reading.

Sharon has all the other things--dedication, bio, etc. So that's done.

Cover just needs the brown background added. The rest of it is done.

Blurb still needs work. Sharon's looking that over.

So I can say I should have the whole thing done by May. Though Sharon has other books ahead of me and I got to budget the cost.

Juggling a lot of things right now.

Already thinking about Air/Wind. Going to have a bit of a twist that you will not doubt enjoy. I know I will. :) 

Santino gets her comeuppance, though I haven't written/published the story where she is really rude. Deadly Flames shows her true colors and will be out next year. Santino pisses off the wrong person with her 'flirting' in Air/Wind and becomes one of the victims of the killer.  All this leads to a serious discussion of their relationship in both Flames and Air/Wind and they take the step of hiring a wedding planner in Flames.

These are the next two stories to come.

I may fiddle with one of my other stories before I get involved with Flames or Air/Wind.  I got three dragon stories, two scifi and a werewolf story I can mess around with. And a scifi series.  They got different voices than Elemental Voice.

 I just might do one!

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Water Ferrier is done!

Now I just have to go through and edit. And rearranged. :)

I did three chapt yesterday and have done three already today. I'll probably finish my first go through tonight. Tuesday I'll start my second and final go through. Then I'll set it aside for a few days. After that I'll re-read it and make any corrections I think it needs, then it will be ready for the next step.


And the proof reader/editor.

Meanwhile. I got to finalize my cover and blurb.

Blurb so far:

WHen a weighed body washes up on a beach in California, it leads to the discovery of more remains just off shore. They resemble murders from an FBI open-case file as well as a cold case from Florida. However, the FBI are called in late due to a jurisdictional dispute among the locals.

When she gets the case, FBI consultant Sara Philips knows the killings are sacrifices, gifts to the Water aspect Tiama. But what she doesn't expect is to be greeted at the crime scene by the very elemental the Killer was pursuing. Now she and her two partners had a capricious element to rein in as well as a Murderer who she wasn't sure wanted to court her or kill her.

Still needs work but it's started.

Water's cover is done. I do my own on They got some good graphics.

The covers for this series are brown but the first two had different shades. We're trying to match everything.  Brown is for the earth element/ Sara.

Still looking for names....

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Names, Names

29000 words in Water!

Still on the last full Chapt.  Wrapped up the case and brought Elliot back to the B & B.

All's well, that end's well--Or is it?  *spoiler*

Air/Wind is ready to start. We finally get to meet Maramee!

Flames is ready to start as well. I started a bible for Waters. I need names here as well.

Anyone got some good names for cops/detectives?  Both books need 'em!  I got a 35,000 baby name book and I still have trouble with names!

Everyone would be named Nick, Jon, Sara and Bekka if I had my way!  LOL!!!

Agent Wayne got name from Elliot Ness and John Wayne from movies I was watching that night. When I need a name I look around and see what's near by, naming them off until I hit a name I like. Bad way to get a name 'cause they may not be a Garcia or Landry, though Landry became Landers.

I really need to use that baby book.  :)

 So you got any good names?

Almost St. Patty's Day. My cat's been wearing his green bandana and I got out my pin.

Proof that I have a silver tongue!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

March begin status

Last chapt of Water!

Just past 28,000 words!

Wrapping up the case and sending them off on their vacation. I'd like to get it done today but that's not happening! :)

I'm doing a naming contest. Name the bad guy--well woman in this case--of Air/wind and get this folder/notepad. The name has to have something to do with air or wind, but not too obvious like Wendy. Comment with your name and address and if I pick the name you comment it's yours.

Gotta a kinda Silence of the Lambs feel to it, don't it?

I worked on Air/wind's bible and noticed I got some air names but hadn't picked a name for the killer so....

I'm also looking for names for the detectives they will be working with. If I use your name I'll mention you in the 'thanks' section with the winner of the naming contest.  :)

I got the first two paragraphs of both Flames and Air/Wind done to get me started. I only have Waters bible started, but I have a while before I get to it anyway.

 Air/ Wind has an ex-coworker in it like I told her I would do. She probably thought I forgot or maybe she did but I remembered.

And so begins March...