
Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Monday

Leap year.

Hmmm. What to say... :)

Extra day of the year. Glad I wasn't born on this day? 

Anyway, it's an extra day this month so 5 entries this month for this blog.

I've had my cat Toby--Topaz-eyed boy--for a whole year this month.  He's a spoiled brat but he's my brat. :)  I don't know if I'm a typical cat mom but I do spoil him. He eats better than I do. :)

My housing problem is on-going right now, but hopefully I'll get it solved and get that off my mind.

I'm working on Fire's corrections. I hope to have it done before the weekend...

April 9th the Springfield Writer's Guild will be having a signing at the Library Center. 10 or 11a.m. to 2p.m. I hope some of you will come if you're in the neighborhood.  Support our wonderful writers.

I'll be there at a table--hopefully with Fire as well as a few copies of Earth.

I'm still thinking on the vampiric formal bonding ceremony.  Sara and Nick are already 'married' unofficially since the blood sharing but there's a formal ceremony. Much like Vulcans.  I'm planning to have the vampire 'wedding planner' to actually be like a priest and have their first 'meeting'  interrupted with the person staggering in and dying at their feet.

What an introduction, right?  :)

But I still want ideas for the reception.

I decided against a 'human' wedding since I think it would make Sara uncomfortable to spend Nick's money on something so frivolous--at least to her.

What do you think?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Manic Monday end of month

Didn't do squat!

Well, I did but not as much as I wanted.

I had problems with my housing situation. I'm still sorting that out.

Only a few words got written for Sands this month. I need to knuckle down and get it written so I can get back to Water. Flames will just have to wait a bit but I want Sands done this year. 

Needless to say I haven't worked on Fire's corrections either. I plan to sit down Friday or Saturday and work on them for awhile now that my immediate concerns have been taken care of.

Also I'm broke, I spent the last of my money on a hair cut for work. My hair was too long so I got it cut real short. Well, shorter than I normally do. So I can't go anywhere but work really until next payday which is next month.

 At least that makes me stay home and work on my writting! :)

Still thinking about Nick and Sara's wedding. I plan to interrupt the rehearsal  somehow with a murder. I'm thinking of having someone stagger in and collapse, preferably at their feet and causing them to cancel further plans that night. 

But I still don't know about the actual wedding. I'm thinking about doing a vampiric ceremony though. What would you think that curtails?

Should they 'publicly' share blood? I personally think that's private but maybe like the Catholics wine could stand in, though Sara doesn't like wine...

Anyway, what are your thoughts, click on the comment button below and tell me.

The reception is going to be 'normal'. :)

Cake, Food, dancing. That kind of thing and everyone invited.

Should I have the killer crash the reception or should he be caught before the wedding?

So many ideas running around my head when I should be concentrating on Sands and Water. ADD just scrambles my brain. I've learned to control it to a certain extent or I'd have never finished a book much less two.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Mania Monday brief update

Real Life is kicking my butt!

I wish I could just re-write my life a bit to change a few things that happened, but of course we can't do that. Hopefully, things will settle down this week.

Anyway, I'm still in chapt. 10 in Sands since I've not written very much this last week.

I haven't worked on Fire's corrections either this last week. I'm hoping to work on it some this week unless something else comes up.

I'm still thinking about Sara and Nick's wedding. I'm going to introduce their wedding planner either in Water or Air and start the planning. The planner will be a vampire.

I still would like your input as to what you think their wedding should be like. Should it be based on a traditional wedding or do you think it should be a 'vampiric' wedding ceremony?  Maybe the ceremony is 'vampiric' and the reception is 'human'?

What do you think?

The copy of my book that I put in the library system has been checked out six times so far. I think that's pretty good.

I need to be getting back into Water so I can finish it by the end of the year. Sands is taking longer than I anticipated. Of course being a pantser that happens. But I plan to be working on Water by May and finish by December. That gives me 8 months for Water, but if it takes longer I'm not going to stress. As long as I publish Water by May 2017.

Flames will just be worked in there somewhere.

I already plan to work on my dragon story for Jano next year, though I wanted to finish it too this year. However I decided Water and Sands would be enough aggravation this year. :)

I'll try to keep you all updated on Facebook.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Manic Monday : Beginning of month update

It's February!

My birthday was yesterday and I played a few lotto tickets. Won a few small amounts so I just kept playing 'til I ran out of money. Easy to do when you don't have much to begin with! :)

The new year and birthdays make one think of resolutions and looking forward as well as reminicing about the past. So I dug out some of the goals and resolutions I made in the past years.

My writing goal is to have both the elemental voice series and the three Deadly stories out by the time I'm 50---So in the next 3 years. I figured this plan was doable and I didn't want to stress myself out. I also plan to have the dragon book out during this time--at least written anyway.

I also wanted to transfer all my writing to my computer and get rid of the bins of stories I had started over the years. I have made strides on that. I only have a milk crate left instead of two bins. Most of the stories need major overhauls before seeing the light of day but at least I can now work on them more efficiently.

There were short-term goals--some went through, others fell by the wayside. But overall I completed about a fourth of them so I feel good.

February 5th we had the Jano party. It was fun. Good food and good companionship.

I started on the corrections for Fire. Got three chapt done so far.

Still on chapt 10 in Sands--setting up the run-in with the human compatriot of the bad guy's. This story might be almost as long as Fire the way the characters are leading me.  But it will still be a Kindle only book. I'm still set on that.

I need to finish Sands so I can get back into Water. I want Water done by the end of this year.

I'm thinking about doing the Wedding in book 5--Aether. I would like suggestions as to what kind of wedding you think they should have.

Or should they just elope?

A Vegas wedding?  :)

Seriously, I'd like your input.

The wedding rehearsal will be interupted by a murder but the wedding itself will go through. So please give me your suggestions.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Manic Monday: Jano is over

Well, Jano ended yesterday.

14,794 words in total for me.  That means I'm half way done with Sands. Not bad for me as I barely made 10,000 last year.

Friday, Feb, 5th is the Jano party. I sent my entries last Friday so I'm good to go.

I got the book marks. Pretty cool. Now I just need to get Fire published.

Speaking of Fire, I got it back from editor/proof reader so I need to get started on corrections now that Jano is over. I run it through spell check but I'm terrible at punctuation and I miss quite a bit of that when I go through it. I get yelled at for that. :)

In Fire we learn a little more about the Aether plane.  It is where the elements connect and is usually referred to as the spirit plane.  I'll refer to it more in each book until we get to the fifth book.

What do you think of the title Aether Dreams for the fifth book?

I corrected some word counts as my program seems to be counting characters instead of just words.

I started chapt. 10 in Sands. Sara and Nick have a run-in with a compatriot of the killer's.

The showdown with the killer is getting closer and we're learning a bit more about them both.

What kind of wedding do you think these two should have?

I plan to start their wedding planning soon, now that they've settled in a bit with each other and would like your input.

 If you had unlimited funds, what would you plan?