
Friday, January 31, 2020

Plans for this year

I want to go to the Between the Pages Con in June. That's what I have plans to do in six months.

Between now and then I will be working on my bookmarks and my sci-fi book. I would love to have the book done and out by then but I don't know if I can get it all completed and funded by then.

We'll see.

I plan to sell my mortal Voice book and my beaded  bookmarks whether or not I have the new book series out. As long as I can get the use of my dad's vehicle and money organized anyway. 93 miles is a long way to walk. :)

I'd probably have to stay a night or two at the hotel. So two meals as well. Or I might be able to make other arrangements.  I'll see closer to time. Unless someone wants to share a room?

Anyway I'm working on my book about an hour a day right now. I'm trying to figure out time management and get back into the swing of writing again. My ADD keeps distracting me. Wandering mind

I've got four chapters done so far. The style is different than my other books. Hopefully people will try this one and like it.

It's sci-fi but I'm not sure what subgenre it would be considered. There's a bit of time travel, a bit of altering humans with biomechanics and set on a planet colonized long ago that's on the brink of internal unrest.  I'll have to keep studying the subgenres.

I still don't have a name for the book.  The working title is "commando". There is a reason it's called that. 

I'll reveal why in my next blog entry on the Time after Time blog.

Friday, January 24, 2020

The new year

As you can see I have fix up this site.

I plan to keep up my blogs again now that I have my computer back. This weekend should see the blogs all organized.

There's a new blog for my sci-fi series. I've added the link here. Time after Time it's called. There may be more entries there than here though they may be shorter. Anyway just wanted to let you know.

Sidereal time is still there as well. I'm thinking about making it my misc blog while I keep this one as my main.

My Alliance blog I'm not going to do anything with until I get to the books. So still not working on that.

Toby's blog is still up as a memorial.

Peaches' is also up but not linked here. She's fine and roaming around the property. The snow got her attention. She has her own place to go when she gets cold and she's made friends with one of the feral cats that my parents feed. So she's good.

I want to have a book done by the end of the year. Hopefully my sci-fi.

As I said I just wanted to let you know what is happening.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Next step

Well, I read my three stories I had been working on and even wrote 200 words on one. But which one should I be doing or should I just try to catch up with all of them?

It's hard to decide. I've pushed back my writing so much that it feels strange to be able to sit down and write.

A lot of changes have happened in the last two years. Well 18 months since I've had my computer.

I just don't know where to start.

Though writing those 200 words felt good.

I have the last book of Elemental Voice to finish as well as the second book of Mortal Voice and the second one of the companion series.  I had also written a few pages of the first of my sci-fi series Time-lost.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm tempted to do the sci-fi book and make a new start of things. Going back later to finish the Elemental series later as well as the Mortal at some other time.

What do you think?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Got computer back

So yesterday I got my computer back.

I'll be broke for the rest of the month but at least I'll have my stories to work on. I plan to start working on the stories next week after I get used to the new computer. My old had windows 7 and this has windows 10.

Next week I'll go through my stories and start on one or two.

 And go through my fanfiction.

So I'll probably start back with this and the other blogs again.

Just wanted to let you know.

Happy belated New year!