
Friday, October 4, 2019

Still here

I'm still alive.

I've moved to Gainesville my parents hometown. I haven't moved into my trailer yet though. Still fixing it.

My computer is still in the shop. I'm tucking away money to pay for it. I hope to get it soon.

Peaches is loose on my parents property. She's hanging around near the house and I'm feeding her. The other feral cats are hanging out around too as my parents feed them.

I'm still going through paper and misc stuff. This is the third time I have moved in the last two years. Each time I've went through stuff and I still have a lot of stuff. And I lose things each time.  A box or something.

Just wanted to let you know that I am still around. I'm still writing ideas down. Just not working on the books. Reading is occupying what spare time I have.

I'll write another blog soon with more information

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Still alive

Long time, no hear.

Well I'm still alive but still computerless. So my stories are kinda stalled. I'm still writing down story ideas and scenes but not putting them together.

I'm reading more. I found a new author Kelly Ann Riley. She has a series called. Secrets of Mary's bookshop. I've just started the series but I like it so far. I also read a big book about Oak island. I try to keep up with the treasure hunt there. I have also read a fictional book that has Oak island in it called The Bones in the Pit by Bill Thompson. So I've been keeping myself busy.

I made a resolution that I would have my computer back and a story finished by the end of the year but I might have to push that back to April of next year. I have too many bills and not enough money to go around. Being on a fixed income with only a little coming in from my new job sucks. I'm an on call driver so my hours very.  Some days I don't even get called in.  But at least my work is close by and I get to drive their vehicles for the job.

This would be the perfect job if I was still writing. But writing by hand is just not the same. I have been spoiled by the computer.

Just wanted to let you know that I am still alive. I plan to get back to writing as soon as possible.

Good reading and writing to all of you

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Plans for future

Thursday is my birthday. I'm going to be the big 5-0.

I had promised myself that I would have the Elemental Voice series completed by now and would be starting on Mortal Voice and the first sci-fi novel. The first book in the Mortal Voice series is done but Elemental Voice is not. I hadn't expected my computer to explode on me or the run of financial bad luck.

I'm setting the goal that this year I will finish the first sci-fi novel and at least get it proofread. Secondly I want to finish one of the Voice books as well. I also plan to even up my account with my publisher Sharon.

It will probably take the whole year for those 3 things.

I want to have the Time-lost novels out by the time I'm 60. Also I want to have started on the Alliance books. The Time-lost have six books while I have three book ideas for the Alliance. So one each year. That should be doable.

The Voice books will be done as I can.

 I'm going to be very short of money for the foreseeable future. I don't have a car or job right now. I'm looking for a job right now but it will be hard to find one for someone my age that will fit me.  
I need to have a bestseller.

Don't we all :)

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Office area

This is my office area in the new apartment. As you can see I'm still going through stuff and organizing. I moved into this apartment in August. I decided to use the dinning area as an office.

I'm a pack rat by nature so I had a lot of stuff. I've gotten rid of a lot of things but still have much to do. At least this apartment is bigger than the other.

I plan to clean this weekend and organize the office area.

I'm hoping to get my computer back either March or April so I can get back to work on the books. I'm chomping at the bit. I want to get back to it. Writing it long hand is just not working.  I've been without a computer for like over 8 months now and it sucks.

The move kept me busy for awhile but no longer. I'm settled in and rearing to get back to writing more.

I'm going to get back to blogging as well now that I have more time on my hands. So expect more to come.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The coming year

it is a new year and I plan to have a great time this year.

I'm going to get my computer back. My financial situation is going to get straight and strong. And I'm going to write that best seller.

I've been slacking off with social media since my computer died and I need to get back to it. A broken computer doesn't mean a broken me 

I'm going to finish the two series I have started but I think I'll start a new book for the new year. That best seller! 😃

With the new book I'm going to use a new name. My my fanfic writing name TaLeRy. 

New year, new book, new name, new genre

Stay tuned for more about the new book