
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Happy Catterday

Cat moms call today Catterday.

Toby's been a troublemaker today, though he's napping right now. He's been getting into things so I took him for a kttty-playdate but he just snooped most of that time.  I spoil him too much but then he's my baby. :)
I don't have much to report on my books. A few words got written but I mainly re-read the last chapter of Sands and looked over its bible. I need to figure out how to get from the written scene to the scene in my head. There's some time lapse and change of scenery between the two.
They've just been kicked to the side and the new FBI agent--whose both female and a vampire--is taking over the case. The next scene in my head is them getting interrupted at the gala at the museum that night.
Then there's the confrontation between the bad guy and Nick. Do I want it to be the scene at the museum or later? And I know how it ends and have a vague idea to how it starts but the rest....It all depends on where and when it happens.
And I'm not sure about the bad guy's name. I might change it again.
Maybe I've just been procrastinating... :)
Time to knuckle down and get with it. I need to decide and get to work if I want to get everything done on schedule.
I need to get my brain back in writing mode. 
My friend Mary will be coming home this next week. So she's better and healing. No excuse now not to be able to get back to writing.

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