
Thursday, May 4, 2017

May Begining Tat

👀May the fourth be with you!

Haven't worked much on Flames yet.

I got Water back from editor/proofreader. Going to work on the corrections next.

The state trooper is still up in the air. If it's a woman then there will be tension between her and Santino over how Santino treats both Trav and Nick. If a male then there can be tension between him and both Trav and Nick over how they treat her--as well as sexual tension between trooper and Santino. I got scenes with both scenarios in my head.

The trooper is going to be a reoccurring secondary character but he/she is sure taking up a lot of pre-story time.

I don't know which way I want to go with this. I got to decide soon 'cause the trooper shows up soon with the Warden. 

Thinking of switching up the gender of the bad 'guy' or having a transgender.

And I still don't have a name for any of them. :)

Flames' firebug has a method behind the madness. The firebug does have a fascination with fire but there's a reason behind the acts. I was think that 'cause she's a girl/trans she was 'banned' by the family from hunting and just made to cook the meat and listen to the stories.  Resentment built up.

Just a thought so far.

And Seb the wedding planner. Human or vamp?  Got to decide on that too in this book.

Nick's paying for the wedding. Or actually the Clan is. 

The pre-wedding bonding ceremony is classic black and white, though greenery will be added for Sara's sake.  The couple wears white while the wedding party and Clan wear black during this.  And during the actual wedding the black is exchanged for regular formal wedding wear with the Clan.

I saw this and said that's it:
I think it would go well with the dress.

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