
Thursday, February 15, 2018

An overview

I set aside 'Eye' until my friend gets back to me with her ideas.

I haven't touched Flames for awhile. I'm still stuck on how I want to introduce the clue without making it too obvious. So I've been running different scenarios through my head but none of them feel right. The story's just been sitting there, waiting for me to get it down. I've been thinking just to not drop a hint here and just let the talk flow how it wants, then drop a hint somewhere else.

That's probably what I'll do.

MVII is still in chapt. 2. They're going to look at the research. I have to decide what's in the research and how much to reveal right now. Paul has an almost photographic memory so I'll have him look it over completely, and have Jaci just skim through it or better yet have Paul give her highlights.  

Dragon stories. I've been looking over all my dragon stories to see which one I want to do next. Another Fallborn or a standalone set in today's society. Two of the standalones have two or more chapters done as does one of the Fallborn.  One of the standalones is about a hidden dragon society within our own while the other is about a lone dragon surviving hidden in our society. There's a bit of magic to them, though there's also some science  or   alchemy involved.  The Fallborn one is In the Dragon's Claws.

Claws has magic as well.  Dragon magic. Dragons had once been common, but they had warred and only a few had survived. Those few had retreated to their shrines and most slept, but a few remained awake and had human Servants. Two slaves escaped at one such shrine and became that Dragon's Servants.

I'm not sure which I want to do next for my dragon fix.

I know that as soon as I finish Flames I want to start one of my Alliance novels. Well, I should say finish one of them since I started two of them already. I have a blog with info on the Alliance. If you're interested in reading a bit about it, you can get your info there.

I've been reading Fan fiction again. Yes, I started that back up and added another fandom: Avengers/ironman. I also expanded the pairing in NCIS to include others with Tony. I read slash as well as Gen since some of the case stories include such, though my favorite is the father/son of Gibbs and Tony.  Anyway I've been reading fan fiction again. This time I hope I don't get as obsessed with it as I was before.

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