
Monday, April 23, 2018


100 people took advantage of my free book. YES!

 Hopefully, some will give me 'good' reviews on Amazon.

And go for my other books as well. They are all fast-paced and got at least 4 stars. An hour or two amusement, depending on how fast you read. I usually read books twice. The first time fast, the second time slower to make sure I get the nuances.

Flames is coming along. It's half-way done. The arsonist is about to reveal him/herself.

Wind. Into the second chapter. Cop shop talk right now. They'll head off to the club next where they'll meet one of the suspects. Or is she the reason for the murders?

MVII. Wrote out the burglary scene, but still working on chapter 2. Why is research into an old crime and disappearance so important? 

I straightened up my story folder. Now everything is in separate folders instead of all lumped in the misc. folder. There's still stuff in the Misc. folder, but I separated out the series. Looks much neater now. I wasn't working on a story so I decided to mess with the story folder. Sometimes during my 'working' time at the computer, I can't seem to focus on a story so I either mess with the bibles or create covers. But this time I decided to mess with the folders.

I was working on my stories, but not. So officially, I was working during my working hour(s). :)

The Alliance books are still knocking at the backdoor of my mind. But I need to finish Elemental Voice first. At least the next two books anyway. Then I might slip in an Alliance book.

My time-lost books have also slipped up a notch.

I got a review on Mortal Voice from Jan. 5 star. She likes this better than EV.  I hope others have the same opinion and it takes off so that the second book will have a following. EV has a small following and I'm hoping MV will have a larger one.

EV is the urban fantasy version of MV which is itself an urban fantasy. A play on a play.

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