
Friday, November 6, 2020


 Finished Raven Manor.

 47449 words. I could have written more but this was a good place to stop. The next stopping place would have been at least 20,000 words further.  Maybe more. 

 I had planned on three books but maybe two would be better. This book introduces the arc and I could continue on for a bit but I am unsure if I should . I need another perspective. 

This is just the first draft so I'll have an editor look at it and tell me what they think. I've stared at it so long I need a break. 

But for now I'm done.  I finished the first draft and I'm going to celebrate while the editor looks it over. Once I get it back I'll know more on what to do next. Rewrite or add more. Or just fix things here and there. 

Watching movies and reading books are on the agenda for celebration. I'm going to watch some favorite 'Tis the season  movies'--Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. It just isn't Christmas windup until Hans Gruber falls and Martin and Roger do their banter.  I'm going to read some of the ebooks on my TBR list on my phone. Curl up with a good book or movie and drink hot chocolate. Love the fall and Christmas seasons.

Do you have a movie(s) you watch this time of the year?

I read another article about pen names and book signing this last week. It said you should think about how you want to sign the book.  Once you decide you should practice signing so it is smooth when you do sign.  I've just been signing my regular signature. Perhaps I should change up. I'll think on it.

How do you sign your book?

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