
Friday, February 26, 2021

Progress How Novel 18

 Only did a little over 500 words this last week so Blood is at 16, 144 words right now. 

I've been reading a few fanfictions and ebooks from my TBR list instead of writing. My TBR lists is like 40 books long. I have particular tastes in books so it's not as long as some readers' lists. I try to read at least two books from it every month. Unfortunately I also add to it every month so...

Blood is a fourth of the way done. The detectives haven't meet the Killer in person yet, just her handiwork.  And yes, another female killer. Which I suppose could be a spoiler of sorts. Men always seem to get top billing in the killer spots. But women can be just as deadly, even more so actually. We usually have more of a reason though.  

King of Crows/Ravens.

I haven't had any sales for a long while. I'm wondering if I should change the title of Raven Manor to something more werewolfish.  But I want to keep at least Raven in the title, but I don't know. The book takes place in or has something to do with Raven Manor.  But it also introduces you to the Ruv and the Lexicon. Let's you step into a whole new world within our seemingly mundane one.

Should I change the title?  Should it be more werewolfish?

What do you think?

Have you checked out Raven Manor?

If not, please do so. Book 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Progress how novel 17

Part of the idea that's been percolating dropped, allowing me to write a bit. So Blood is at 15, 445 words right now. However the rest of the idea is still percolating, but it's not as distracting as before.  The tendrils have confined themselves to the back of my mind, probably because the main plot bunny thumped them back. 

Blood has a new title and cover. It is now Blood Legacy. A lot of the story is about family legacies and blood. It's not just about the Lexicon but also the lives it touches and the people around it. 

Raven Manor has another rating. A 5 star this time. That makes two ratings so far but no review. I don't know if Amazon counts ratings toward the 50 target or not. I hope so. I'm grateful that two people have taken the time to rate. Two out of seven is a very good ratio. Thank you whomever you are. 

If you haven't read Raven Manor yet, please check it out. Book

If you have, please take time to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Progress How novel 16

I've started with a writing coach. I need to get more serious with my writing, but I don't want to lose my enjoyment. Hopefully, this coach can keep it fun while we proceed.

 She gave me an assignment to get done before I publish my next book. 

Start an email list.

So I am finally doing it. I am starting an email list. I need to get out of the stone age and step into the digital age of communicating. This pandemic has changed more than the way we shop. It has made email lists more important than they already were.  Authors have to reach out and email lists are the way.  If I want to sell and market my books I need to stop hesitating and step forward.  

IF you would like to get on my list, to have advanced notice of the publishing of my books as well as a copy of any of the short stories I am writing as they are completed, please put your email in a comment below with your fav genre; Sci-fi, dragon fantasy, or  urban fantasy.


Raven Manor has a rating. A three star but the person didn't leave a review, just the rating. I'm grateful they took the time to at least rate it, though I would have like their opinion as well.  Constructive criticism is always welcome. Flames are used for amusement.

Blood is stalling at 13,000 words. The idea is still percolating in the back of my mind, waving its tendrils about to distract me enough so I can't focus for long. A sentence here and there, but that's it. However the idea could segway into book 3 and bring a surprise or two with it in both books so I'm willing to let my mind percolate some more.  Though my brain's OCD tendencies can be frustrating with deadlines.

 I want to have Blood finished by April but it usually takes me 6 months to finish a book and I started Blood at the end of November, beginning of December.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Happy Birthday Month for me and other Aquarians

 To Celebrate my birthday and my fellow Aquarians I am going to put my three ebooks on sale for 99 cents each from February 11 to February 15, 2021.  Which makes it the perfect time to get all three for the price of one! A book for different moods--A dragon fantasy quest, A sci-fi about turning points, and a supernatural crime drama with a unique take on werewolves. 

Blood, book 2 of Ghostwolf series, is coming along slowly right now. Something is percolating in the back of my mind, distracting me. The word count is only at 13,000. Usually after I hit 10,000 the writing goes faster.  Or at least seems to.   Once the idea's done percolating, the writing will just flow. Just got to wait it out.

Check out Raven Manor this week if you haven't already. It's free with Kindle Unlimited and will be 99 cents on the 11th. Book

It's a contemporary crime drama with a different type of werewolf/vampire hybrid species. The Ruv use energy/matter manipulation to change their form and can perform 'minor' acts that we would call magic.  Raven Manor introduces you to their hidden world, let's you see past clouded human perception to what is really going on. They have lived among humans for millennia but make no mistake, the Ruv have not been tamed.   

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Progress How novel 15

 Blood is a little over 12,000 words right now. 

I've been messing around with the cover instead of writing. I might change it again. I went through several covers on Raven Manor until I found the picture I wanted. There might be a better picture come up when I look through the site again. So as I said it may change again.

Closer to publishing, I'll reveal the final cover.

Raven Manor has a bit of Adult content but not sex.  This is the beginning of the relationships that are to happen. All the characters have baggage that makes them wary of just jumping right in the deep end.

 And these books are not romance or erotica based. Some people are just not romantic or into sex for sex sake. Intimacy does not always equal sex. Touch is all that is needed. Love comes in different packages, sizes, and ways. 

So you are warned.

Meet the main characters of the Ghostwolf Series. MCs