
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Progress How Novel 30

 Book 2 of Ghostwolf is still under 25,000 words.

I've been finalizing the covers for the next EV companion series and Fallborn books. Got to have congruity. All my series have it with their covers. You should be able to tell at a glance that that book is in that series. The covers are complete.

So not much writing done on Debts right now.

The other two books are 2/3rds of the way done. Been writing a bit on them. Want to get them finished and out. They're only two of the books I have started and partially written on my computer.  I have so many book ideas that if I could put out a book a month I'd be able to for centuries.

I wish I could write a book a month sometimes. Would like to be able to just sit down and type, getting the story out of my head as I see it. But the story fades even as I see it, leaving only a ghost of an idea. So when I sit down to write I scribble down what I can of the scene for that chapter.  Sometimes it is only a sentence, sometimes a whole page. Can take me a whole week or more to flesh out a chapter/scene.  

This is how I write. It is frustrating sometimes when I can't seem to get a scene right or I get writer's block. But that's normal.  Don't let others dictate how you write your book. However you write is right for you.  And as long as you write, it doesn't matter if you only do 200 words or 2,000 words when you sit down to work on your book. 


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