
Friday, January 8, 2021

Progress How Novel 12


Raven Manor is live.

Order and get the introductory book to the world of the Ruv.

I've passed the 5,000 word mark on my WIP. 

Here's a taste.

Outside the sun was rising but the only sound in the darkened room was a rhythmic drip, drip. Sunlight began to peek around the closed curtains as the sun rose higher and the alarm went off but there was still no movement in the room. Minutes went by and the sunlight advanced a bit more into the room. It struck something on the floor and glistened.

Noise like boots on wood came from outside the closed door, then a hard knock sounded on its wood surface. “This is the police! Are you alright?” A voice called out.

Seconds passed, then the door knob moved and the door was flung open. Two uniformed policemen leaned in and just as quickly jerked away. The younger of the two threw up beside the door while the older man hit his radio and called it in.

The light from the hallway skylight revealed the grisly scene in all its horrific glory. What had once been two human beings lay open on the bed like some medical students' cadavers. Blood splattered the bed and the floor around it, but all the walls except one was clean. Sprawled across that wall written in blood were five strange words and a question mark.

Kaj si le Ratta Lil?

What it meant the older uniform officer didn't know but this was no longer his headache. The detectives would come and take over, then he and his partner would be relegated to guards. He moved to help his partner down the stairs so they could wait by the front door for the others to arrive, the alarm echoing behind them.

A past murder similar to this has been revealed. Is it the same killer or a copy cat?

Words were sprawled bloodily across the wall in the recent murder. The past murder had two symbols written on the wall. Does that mean they're not related or is the killer or killers in a Cult?

Or were the Hunters setting a trap? The words were after all in Romani.

Hanlan and Canin have to figure all of this out, hopefully before another murder.

But of course I'm not going to be that good to them. Pressure is going to be put on them both from the Brass and the Ruv to clear this case fast or suffer the consequences. Some of those consequences could be rather deadly when dealing with the Ruv. 

All that is just the murder. They still have to contend with the Lexicon. Its Keeper needs to be found and there needs to be a more permanent solution for keeping it safe. 

They have their work cut out for them. As do I. 

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