
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Those eyes

 I've read millions of fiction books about vampires and werewolves and a few articles about modern day vampires, the people who believe themselves vampires and vampire cults as well on the various skin diseases that mimic some of the symptoms of vampirism and werewolf hairiness .I just can't spell them or I'd put the proper names here.

 I don't consider myself an expert but I do know quite a bit about vampires and werewolves. They say write what you know. So I decided to do that.  But both have been over done, especially in the paranormal romance genre.  Which is the only romance books I read by the way. Anyway, I wanted to do something different.

Didn't want romance or horror. My werewolves were not just evil or cursed. They were a race with morals and laws of their own. Different from humans though they had a human form. In human form only their eyes gave them away, they were cognac colored. But with strong emotion those eyes turn topaz with their inner fire so they keep firm control over their emotions. Madness brings out the red in their eyes so those who turn Shilmulo--vampire--show their madness if one looks carefully. They shapeshift into wolves, but they don't eat flesh in that form. The elixir of life, blood, and the energy contain there in is what they consume. 

And while we're on the subject of energy. They manipulate energy/matter to change form as well as perform little things that would be considered magic but is really like telekinesis using energy manipulation.

I have more on the Del Mulanti Ruv or Ghostwolves under Pages on the right.

So I had my werewolves/vampires. But I needed a history and a language. 

What if something happened to wipe out their ancient history. Legends and rumors are all that they have of their origin. The ancient ones died out and the young ones weren't really interested in the past. Fairytales were told to Littles, but most of their ancient history is gone.

Enter the Roma. Gypsies. Nomads. Travelers. The not too 'recent' history would be that the werewolves traveled with them. Traditions, fairytales, freedom. And more tolerance perhaps as they were both outcasts of sorts. A version of Romani as a common tongue. History, partial check. Language, partial check.

 Now I was ready to at least start on the story. 

So that was what I did. And Raven Manor was the result.

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