
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Interlude--Series Reading

 On several groups I have seen the debate about reading series.

Some wait, saying they'll read when it is finished. Others say the series may not finish if you wait, that if it doesn't sell then it may be dropped.

I ran across a new cozy mystery series in the Also Bought area of another cozy series. But was iffy on buying the first book as it is over the price of a used hardback or new paperback and I promised myself I would never buy an ebook for that price instead of just buying the hardcover/paperback. However the second book was reasonable ebook price so I got it.

I am not one to be OCD about reading books in order. When I grew up you went to the used bookstore and got whatever book they had that you liked, whether it was book 1 or book 7. If you never got book 1 you didn't cry or feel you missed out. You were happy you had a book you liked and could read. You used your imagination to fill in the gaps that you couldn't gleam from the books you did read.

So when I say I may never get book 1 of this series unless it reduces price, I'm just stating a fact and am not ranting about anything.

I did however pre-ordered book 3 and it was priced at more than Book 1.

At pre-ordering I'm not actually spending the money right now. So I'm not actually buying. Or so I'm telling myself. I just can't make myself buy book 1 at it's current price. But I'll probably pre-order the next book as well no matter the price. 

Anyway, read how you read. As long as you are reading, expanding.

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